Friday 5 June 2020

Thanks ewk

Thanks u/ewk for helping me understanding Zen. He has been highlighting how trolling isn't really Zen.

Emperor Wu of Liang asked the great master Bodhidharma "What is the highest meaning of the holy truths?" Bodhidharma said, "Empty, without holiness." The Emperor said, "Who is facing me?" Bodhidharma replied, "I don't know." The Emperor did not understand. After this Bodhidharma crossed the Yangtse River and came to the kingdom of Wei.

Later the Emperor brought this up to Master Chih and asked him about it. Master Chih asked, "Does your majesty know who this man is?"The Emperor said, "I don't know." Master Chih said, "He is the Mahasattva Avalokitesvara, transmitting the Buddha Mind Seal." The Emperor felt regretful, so he wanted to send an emissary to go invite (Bodhidharma to return). Master Chih told him, "Your majesty, don't say that you will send someone to fetch him back. Even if everyone in the whole country were to go after him, he still wouldn't return."

The ultimate meaning of bodhidharma: "Empty, without holiness" .

He didn't say "amazing" or "lofty". The ultimate meaning is empty, without holiness. Because it's empty there is no need to stir anything. Just being ordinary. No need for trolling.

Submitted June 06, 2020 at 12:42AM by koalazen

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