Friday 5 June 2020

Practicing with Wumenguan: Case 6 - Buddha holds up a flower


Alternately, Cleary trans:

Wumen said, If golden-faced Gautama had had no one by his side [to understand his special meaning and smile as Kasyapa did], he would have been forcing free men down into serfdom and selling dog meat advertised as mutton, and the assembly would have thought it was marvelous.

If everyone in the assembly had smiled, how would [the Buddha] have passed on the treasury of the Eye of the Correct Dharma? If Kasyapa had not smiled, how would [the Buddha] have passed on the treasury of the Eye of the Correct Dharma?

If you say there is transmission of the treasury of the Eye of the Correct Dharma, then old Golden-Face was lying to the ordinary people in the village lanes. If you say there is no transmission, then why did he approve only Kasyapa?

(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: How about this for a practice... answer the questions. Wumenguan is full of questions, as are Book of Serenity and Blue Cliff Record, illustrating once again that Zen has a long tradition of public question and answer. So answer, already. When you can answer without hesitation or fear, then fine, you are done practicing.

Submitted June 06, 2020 at 01:01AM by ewk

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