Friday 22 May 2020

What was first, mind, God, universe, matter? Huangbo has his way.

This is my exercise in Huangbo's thoughts, so feel free to criticize or to say something nasty.

We had with Lurkersim one time discussion, where I claimed that before anything exists, we must create concept of it. From material standpoint it sounds wrong of course, first is matter and universe and our mind is this little bit of matter reflecting it. Problem is not in solution, problem is based in our precondition of reality.

We are solving:"If something exists, what is first, mind or matter?". But what if we will not do this first operation, assume "reality", or existence as fact? As we are in zen forum, we can take look at Huangbo's thoughts (I did quite collage from it):

The master replied: "If one wants to point out the cause, one must continually refer to that which the cause is dependent upon. This is a never-ending process, for there is no end to the dependent origination of things. Relax your hold, for there is nothing to obtain. Talking continuously of thousands and thousands of things is just labor expended in vain."

"If one understands this, then even with reflection is there still nothing to obtain," asked the Bhikshu. "If there is nothing to obtain, then reflection is not necessary," said the master. "Don't depend on talk from a dream to open your eyes. Nothing-to-seek' is the primary Dharma. This is better than studying and learning a hundred different things. With nothing to obtain, one has finished the task," continued the master. The Bhikshu queried: "What is ordinary truth?" The master replied: "Why do you persist in creating clinging vines? Originally, truth is clear and bright. It is not necessary to have questions and answers."


So what was first, mind reflecting universe, or matter creating universe and creating our mind?

Huangbo says: Why not study zen while you are here, look at the stars :))

Is it mind? Is it matter? What is zen?

"It is not necessary to have questions and answers."

What is before question and answer? Do you still want to know? "If one wants to point out the cause, one must continually refer to that which the cause is dependent upon. This is a never-ending process". So what if we will stop that seeking process? What will remain?

Is it nihilism?

Originally, truth is clear and bright

The mind of the Bodhisattva is void, having abandoned all things.

Being without the dualistic conception of existence and non-existence, like the sun shining in the sky, wouldn't you save energy?


So I think problem of mind and universe is solved. Can dog catch his tail? I know there are stars on night sky, I know there is theory about matter and theories about God or Gods, there are my thoughts and my mind, science has a lot of nice proofs, and without clinging to any of it, I have no work. There is existence as opposite to no existence, and I am not going to place my bet on one of them. Because that would mean first to cling to some view. Btw when are things so nicely placid, I can even better think about them.

Submitted May 23, 2020 at 01:04AM by OnePoint11

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