Friday 22 May 2020

Sayings of Huizhong, Second Excerpt: Daoism? Not Zen.

The Chan Teachings of Nanyang Huizhong in Tangut Translation

Translated by Kirill Solonin

Some immortal1 asked: "Do you, Master, practice the Way?"

The Master said: "What is your Way?"

The immortal said: "The way is the qi of emptiness and tranquility. [We] drink the dew and eat the medicine, purify [ ]2 and abandon the mud, feed, and grow the spirit."

The Master said: "You do not understand the Way."

1: Solonin notes that the larger text has his name as Xiangshan.

The context as well as personal identification of the questioner in the other text indicates that immortal(仙人) is being used in the excerpt to denote a Daoist adept on the quest for eternal life.

2: Solonin was unable to decipher the character located here.

This "immortal" sounds like a real gung-ho, earnest Daoist who knows his sacred texts, can articulate his doctrines, moral precepts, and religious practices in a manner that the New Age hippies who bum their way in here are wholly unable to without resorting to hate-speech.

Nevertheless, Huizhing points out that even the apex of Daoist "sages" don't understand the way, aren't affiliated with Zen, and all the [blank] purification and spiritual cultivation won't change that.

What is your Way?

Submitted May 23, 2020 at 03:38AM by ThatKir

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