Friday 22 May 2020

The Seven Items of a Teacher

The following is a footnote from Cleary's translation of The Blue Cliff Record, Case 24: Kuei Shan and Iron Grindstone Liu

The seven items of a teacher are: 1) great capacity and great function; 2) swiftness of wit and eloquence; 3) wondrous spirituality of speech; 4) the active edge to kill or bring life; 5) wide learning and broad experience; 6) clarity of mirroring awareness; and 7) freedom to appear or disappear. In light of the military metaphor of the verse, it should also be noted that "the seven items" can also refer to a warrior's equipment.

The footnote is brought up when Yuanwu praises Iron Grindstone Liu by saying:

"An adept accustomed to battle. Beyond the borders is the general's place. She's equipped with the seven items."

Factual question: Does anyone know the source text where these seven items were initially identified? I would like to read it

Theoretical question for discussion: What do you make of these criteria? Do they cover the qualities of a zen teacher? Are there any essential omissions or contentious inclusions?

Submitted May 23, 2020 at 12:57AM by jungle_toad

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