Saturday 23 May 2020

The Real Shobogenzo: Naked!

Dahui's Real Original, the First Shobogenzo:         


(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: 

If you people go to other places and meet clear-eyed adepts, pass on a message for me, so that the ancestral way will not fall.  If they are ordinary followers, then you should snooze.  Why?  If you take pride in dressing up in a country where people go naked, I think you really don’t know timing.

Dahui's Real Original, the First Shobogenzo:         


(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: What does this mean, "dressing up"? I can think of a dozen examples of dressing up I've seen in this forum... what have you seen?

Submitted May 24, 2020 at 01:49AM by ewk

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