Saturday 23 May 2020

A theory of how Chan special transmission might work

Disclaimer: I'm a Buddhist and I meditate. Ironically enough, this idea came to me during/after a meditation session. I know this sub doesn't particularly like Buddhists.

You know when your friend throws you something like a bunch of keys and you catch it in the air?

You could spend a long time calculating the trajectory of the throw, making sure you get the proper angle and so on, but in that one second you have no time to do any of that. If you did, the object would just wizz by. Your subconscious takes over and you intuitively know where to put your ✋ to catch it.

I wonder if this was the case when the Buddha held up the flower in the koan.

Submitted May 24, 2020 at 01:44AM by SpringRainPeace

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