Wednesday 13 December 2017


It is like a mass of water that does not fear surface ripples -- Sengcan

I cry a lot these days. Not openly, but privately. Didn't do that much growing up. I'd say I was catching up, but there is no speed, no lag, no slack in the lines of emotion that connect us to this reality. I can admit the old men are right about all this being ONE (even if I can't feel it distinctly) and there is no speed needed among the united. The modern day science snake oil man call this "spooky action at a distance", but I like the way Sengcan puts. Even so, I just assume my lack of parity is my parity.

It's funny. Emotional expression, if genuine, should connect others. One side gets to EXPRESS, or activate potential energy like a drawn bow, and the other gets to RECEIVE, which would appear to be "passive", but the nice thing about being the target is it "possesses" the bull's eye. The fire doesn't need to leave the fire ring to find fire. It is fire. It sits in the middle of the ring and BURNS.


I don't know why I post these. The glib snipe. The insane chirrup back at me. The lost give incorrect directions. The found give even worse directions. The adepts show off their side-step. I don't even know what I need, while the sharpies tell me I don't need anything.


Send me some analogue medicine. The books aren't working.

I can't pick up the robe and bowl. I can't even find them.

Clever word games make me so tired. I feel ashamed of myself.

Submitted December 13, 2017 at 09:09PM by john--jones

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