Tuesday 1 January 2019

Is, "It's not possible to separate the thinker from the thought" the same as the Zen notion of "one mind"?

Thought that is projected, now thinks. So it’s not possible to separate the thinker from the thought, because the thinker thinks a thought, and then the thought thinks and becomes a thinker, and then the thought, that was a thought that is now a thinker, thinks another thought, which becomes a thinker, also. And so, there is a constant summoning of Life Force. Now, a thought that is thought longer becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, in a very clear undiluted fashion, as from Nonphysical Perspective where there is no resistance, becomes physical matter. That’s why the physical universe is a by-product of the Nonphysical attention or focus. So, the Nonphysical Energy that created this physical mass from the Energy of the Universe, the mass itself, now becomes a thought that is thinking, that is attracting the Energy.

Okay, by now you've choked on the vocabulary such as "non physical", "thought form", and maybe some others. But perhaps this (not-zen) excerpt still points to that nonduality that those old meditators were on about?

I get these daily quotes in my email -- Show me how they're all wrong and I'll unsubscribe as the first of my decluttering tasks of January '19.

I predict that none of you can debunk the above statement without name-calling or some other logical fallacy.

Submitted January 01, 2019 at 10:26PM by wrrdgrrl http://bit.ly/2R44Oro

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