Monday 10 April 2017

Dogen the cult leader and fraud v/s the Zen Master Layman Pang

Why though? Why did Dogen lie to people about Zen and resort to fraud and plagiarism to build a church of his own? One way to look at it is by comparing Dogen's repeated claims of being "the chosen one" to Layman Pang's koan.

Here's an example of one of Dogen's claims from a recent pro-cult post:

For the last four or five hundred years, clearly my former master is the only one

Cult leaders want to be the chosen one. They want to be special and important, more special and important than everyone else. Dogen's writings, particularly in view of his inconsistencies and self aggrandizement, emphasize his need to be everything to anyone.

In contrast, we have Layman Pang, who is an actual RL Zen Master, and not a cult leader:

One day when Po-ling Ho-shang and the Layman met on the road, Po-ling asked the Layman: "Have you ever shown anyone the word by which you were helped at Nan-yueh in former days?"

"Yes, I have shown it," replied the Layman.

"To whom?" asked PO-Iing.

"To Mr. Pang," said the Layman pointing to himself.

"Certainly you are beyond the praise of even Manjusri and said Po-ling.

"Who is he who knows the word by which you were helped?" asked the Layman.

Po-ling put on his bamboo hat and walked Off.

"A good road to you!" called the Layman.

Po-ling did not turn his head.

Layman Pang helped himself. That was the end of it.

In contrast, Dogen has never helped anyone. That's not just a statement about how Dogen was a fraud and a liar, it's a rejection of the very model of Dogen's cult and other, similar religions: Zen is not about saving other people from themselves.

Submitted April 11, 2017 at 01:20AM by ewk

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