Tuesday 14 March 2023

Baiyun Duan 25: The One Where Magu Ignores a Zen Master

When the abbot Liangsui came to consult with Magu, Magu stepped back inside and barred the gate, instead taking his hoe to go cut the grass. Liangsui began knocking on the door.

Magu called out, “Who is it?”

”Just me.”

”Get out of here, stupid monk!”

Everytime it was like this, until he suddenly understood. Again he went to knock on the gate, saying, “The Master must not repudiate Liangsui—had he not come in due course to formally pay respect, he may have been subjected to the twelve sutras, deceived throughout the course of his entire life.”

Magu opened the gate, and decreed that Liangsui had penetrated all the the way through to awakening, approving his capacity.

Liangsui later returned to the capital to hold a lecture at the end of a banquet, reporting to the various adherents present, “Where everyone knows, Liangsui knows it all—where Liangsui knows, everyone does not know.”

[0297a19] 麻谷因良遂座主參。師閉却門。將鋤頭去削草。遂又來扣門。師曰。誰。曰某甲。師曰。鈍根阿師下去。凡數四如是。遂忽然有省。再去扣門曰。和尚莫謾良遂。良遂若不來禮拜。洎被十二本經賺過一生。師乃開門。令通悟。繇印可之。遂返都城講肆散席。告諸徒曰。諸人知處。良遂總知。良遂知處。諸人不知。

Barring the gate, taking up the hoe—this is already most excessive—
More is arriving to accept paste be glued all over your face.
With my awareness in the light, I've long endured futility—
No one becomes a monk by means of faith.

[0297b01] 閉戶攜鋤已太賒。更來當面受糊搽。光中自覺遭謾久。方信無人共出家。

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 05:58AM by surupamaerl2 https://ift.tt/FprimfB

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