Monday 1 June 2020

Splish Splash! Bodhidharma takes a bath!

Huike also asked: In the Warm Room Sutra it says that the congregation gains immeasurable merit by washing. How should we serve the Dharma so that merit is achieved? How can we accord [with reality] by just contemplating mind?

Bodhidharma answered: When “the congregation washes,” this does not refer to any contrived worldly doings. The World Honored One expounded the Warm Room Sutra at that time for his disciples so that they could receive his teaching on washing. Thus he made temporary use of worldly things as metaphors for the true principles and spoke in a veiled way about seven forms of meritorious deeds to be offered up. If all sentient beings use these seven washing methods to adorn themselves, they will be able to eliminate the three poisons [greed/anger/ignorance] and remove the defilements of ignorance.

The seven are as follows: First, pure water: washing clean with pure discipline is like pure water cleansing away all dusts and defilements. Second, fire: contemplating inner and outer by means of wisdom is like fire that can heat up the pure water. Third, a dipper: picking out all forms of evil and getting rid of them is like a bath dipper that can clear away the dirt and grease [from the bathwater]. Fourth, willow branches: truly cutting off all false words is like [scourging with] willow branches that can dissipate an angry mood. Fifth, pure powder: correct faith resolves doubts and leaves no worries, as pure powder rubbed on the body can prevent disease. Sixth, unguents: tempering the breath until it is supple and soft and subduing all forms of hardness are like spreading unguent all over the skin to moisten it. Seventh, clothing: shame and repentance toward all forms of evil deeds are like a garment covering one’s ugly form… The “warm room” is the body. Therefore, light the fire of wisdom and heat up the water of pure discipline to wash clean the enlightened identity of True Thusness that is within the body. Receive and uphold these seven methods in order to adorn yourself.

From Bodhidharma’s Treatise on Contemplating Mind. Translation: J.C. Cleary

JT's silly commentary (stealing from Bobby Darin )

Splish splash, Bodhidharma takes a bath

Long on a 15th calendar night

A rub dub, just sitting in the tub

Thinking not-thinking every empty thing was alright

Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor

I flicked the whisk around me

And I opened from the hinge of the door, and

Splish, splash! All the Buddhas jumped in the bath

Well how was I to know there was a party going on!

They was a-splishin' and a-splashin', reelin' with the feelin'

Movin' and a-groovin', rockin' and a-rollin', YEAH!

Submitted June 02, 2020 at 05:13AM by jungle_toad

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