Monday 1 June 2020

(Saving Energy) The frog and the eggplant

A monk squashes an eggplant in the dark but thinks it is a frog.

The notion of the killed frog haunts him into the night.

In the morning, he realises there was never a frog, just an eggplant.

Foyan asks if, that night when the monk stepped on something, it was a frog or an eggplant.

Foyan helps out:

Feelings of frogs may be shed,

(Coinionaire: It was a mistake realised, after all)

but the idea of eggplant remains.

(You have established its truth in conventional reality, after all)

If you would be free

of the idea of eggplant,

(for how is it different from the frog, after all)

strike the evening chime at noon.

(you have grasped a timeless truth, at last)

What costs the monk more energy? The illusory frog or continuing to live with the eggplant?

Submitted June 02, 2020 at 07:25AM by Coinionaire

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