Saturday 6 June 2020

Some Linji to smear with

My discourse on dharma is different from that of every other man on earth. Supposing Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra were to appear before me, manifesting their respective bodily forms for the purpose of questioning me about dharma. The moment they said, ‘Venerable Priest, what...,’ I would have discerned them through and through. And if a follower of the Way comes for an interview as I sit quietly here, I discern him through and through. Why is this so? Just because my way of viewing things is different; outside, I make no distinction between the secular and the sacred; inside, I do not dwell in the absolute; I see right through, and am free from all doubt.

The Record Linji - Sasaky

Who here is free from all doubt? Speak or ... type something.

Submitted June 06, 2020 at 07:31PM by robeewankenobee

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