Saturday 6 June 2020

Daoshen's Mirror of Mind:

KIRILL J. SOLONIN The Teaching of Daoshen in Tangut Translation: The Mirror of Mind

The mind is Buddha, should one search for it in the out-side?

The Great Master Chengguan said: “If [one] does not understand it this way, then all the practices will not be true. If there will be practice, it will only create karma.”

Thus the Sixth Patriarch and others all spoke about “seeing the nature and becoming the Buddha”. The master Shi from Lushan said: “When the Patriarch came from the West, the only teaching he had was “seeing the nature and becoming the Buddha.” All other teachings of later times cannot reach it.”

The Collection of the Chan Origins (Chanyuan ji ) says: If [one] directly realizes that the self mind is originally pure, the defilements are originally inexistent, the nature of “wisdom free from defilements” (anāsrvajñāna, wulouzhi xing ) is originally complete, [one would realize that] this mind itself ultimately and with-out any differences (jiujing bu yi ) is the Buddha. [If one] practices in accordance with this, it would be the Chan of the Supreme Vehicle, [it] will also be called “Chan of the Purity of Tathagata”. What was transmitted in the school of Bodhidharma is just this [kind] of Chan.”


(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: More of the same from Wumen's dharma heir... strong Huangbo type stuff about practices... Bodhidharma being de-linked from the Lanka-as-Bible... Mind is the Buddha continues to haunt Mazu.

Submitted June 06, 2020 at 07:49PM by ewk

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