Friday 5 June 2020

[New Text Alert] - MIRROR: Text supposedly written by Wumen's Dharma Heir

KIRILL J. SOLONIN The Teaching of Daoshen in Tangut Translation: The Mirror of Mind

The Sixth Patriarch said: “The bright mirror is pure, why remove the dust?” Again, the founding teachers Vasu [bandhu] and Nāgā [arjuna]
said: “The things of the sages and the profane are cut off, there are no mountains, rivers and great lands, all the worlds in ten directions are viewed together in similar way.” All of [the above] is the tradition of this mind.

The Meaning of Mind by Huangbo (Huangbo xinyi ) says: “The Buddha and the living beings are all “one mind”; there are no dharmas outside [of it].


(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: So far the text is filled up with quotes from other people, including one from Zongmi even!

Submitted June 05, 2020 at 07:22PM by ewk

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