Friday 29 May 2020

Water, Glass and Stone

Water, Glass and Stone

Objectification and Seeking Externals.

This is potentially quite a lazy post:

All excerpts are from Thomas Cleary's Zen Essence - The Science of Freedom


馬祖道 Mǎzŭ Dàoyī;

The founders of Zen said that one’s own essence is inherently complete. Just don’t linger over good or bad things - that is called practice of the Way. To grasp the good and reject the bad, to contemplate emptiness and enter concentration, is all in the province of contricance - and if you go on seeking externals, you get further and further estranged.

Just end the mental objectivisation of the world. A single thought of the wandering mind is the root of birth and death in the world. Just don’t have a single thought and you’ll get rid of the root of birth and death.


臨濟義玄 Línjì Yìxuán

Because you grasp labels and slogans, you are hindered by those labels and slogans, both those used in ordinary life and those considered sacred. Thus they obstruct your perception of objective truth, and you cannot understand clearly.


楊岐方會 Yángqí Fānghuì

“Mind is the faculty, phenemona are the data: both are like scratches in the mirror.

When there are no scratches or dust, the clarity of the mirror shows.

When mind and phenomena are both forgotten then your nature is real.”


It is in my nature to collate so here we are.

Explanations are insufficient to express

Expressions alone are insufficient to explain

Look for yourself outside of looking

You open your mouth twice in one go


Submitted May 30, 2020 at 05:13AM by Broskizzle

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