Wednesday 20 May 2020

[Meta] What an honest wikipedia page would look like

  1. Definition: Zen is name for the lineage of Bodhidharma

    • Etymology of Zen/Chan/Dhyana
    • Bodhidharma
      • Teachings attributed to Bodhidharma by Zen Masters
    • Lineage and Dharma Transmission
    • Naming conventions of Masters
  2. History of the Written Record

    • Texts authenticated within the tradition
    • Books of instruction written by Zen Masters
      • Wumenguan (Linji/Rinzai)
      • Book of Serenity (Caodong/Soto)
      • Blue Cliff Record
    • Sayings Texts
      • Dahui's Shobogenzo
    • Collections of teachings by non-Zen sources
    • Comparison of translations
    • Misattributed texts, modern assumptions
  3. Zen Culture and Traditions

    • Dharma testing/combat
    • Public audiences
    • Enlightenment Cases
    • Disapproval of meditation
    • Zen Masters altering meanings of terms, rewriting sutras
    • Zen Masters rejecting Taoism
      • No connection between Taoism and Zen
    • Zen as origin of Buddhism, Common Ground with Buddhism
  4. Zen's view of it's history in China

    • Bodhidharma to Huineng
    • Mazu
    • Houses of Zen
    • Conflicts with Buddhism
      • Buddhists lynch the Second Patriarch
      • Disputes over value and meaning of sutras
      • Zen Master Buddha contrasted with other beliefs about Buddha
  5. Zen and modern scholarship

    • Untranslated texts
    • Dunhuang versus existent record
    • Apologetics versus scholarship
    • Conflicts of interest in modern scholarship
    • Translation errors
  6. Controversies with Religion

    • Dogen Buddhism
    • FukanZazenGi proved to be Tiantai
    • Misstatements about Rujing, study in Linji line
    • Phases of religious teachings
    • Misrepresenting/altering records
    • Dogen Buddhism bans Wumenguan
    • Hakuin Buddhism
    • One hand clapping controversy
    • Northern School Buddhism
  7. Modern Religions and Zen

    • Definitions of "Buddhism" conflicting with Zen
    • Catechism conflicts with Zen
      • Shunryu Suzuki rejecting Zen
    • Western Dogen Buddhism
      • dharma transmission v. ordination
      • Sex predators controversy
      • Dharma heirs claiming transmission that renounced their teachers
    • Japanese Dogen and Hakuin traditions
    • Critical Buddhism


(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: I rushed this, so I'm sure I've left stuff out. I'll edit to address questions.

The most significant thing this version of the page does is put Zen texts first and religious controversies last. The result of this is that Zen teachings will get more visibility, and people will be able decide for themselves on controversies instead of being indoctrinated into them.

Submitted May 20, 2020 at 09:44PM by ewk

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