Saturday 30 May 2020

It's unlikely you'll ever even remotely begin to understand until you train.

You can howl and screech, poke yourself in the eye and gobble handfuls of dirt in protest, but it won't make any difference.

You can scream non-sensical jibber jabber to cover up your crapulence, but it won't make any difference.

Since time immemorial, there have always been those who have trained, and those who have sat around in idleness making excuses, desperately protesting and lying to themselves and that hasn't really changed a great deal.

The difference is, with the advent of the internet the crapulent can congrate and congratulate themselves on just how shit they really are.

Sad really, but that's alllllll on them.

Of course, the vast unbreachable gulf remains, and largely they know it.

No one could be so completely and utterly fucked in the head as to think that the idle perusing of a few quotes they don't understand could ever compare to the real thing, but take a look around.

The internet is replete with them in a myriad of forms.

If you wish to be like that, go right ahead.

If you wish to experience the real thing directly and personally for yourself, go right ahead. Not the easiest path, but if you make a choice to seek out the inner teachings of what is often called 'Zen' in the west for yourself, and walk the path, well, that's a choice for you to make.

But if you kid yourself that arguing about things on the internet is a substitute for the real thing, well, that's your choice.

It isn't the real thing though, not by a long shot.

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 06:47PM by TheSolarian

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