Thursday 28 May 2020

EDoMT 2v: "Mundane people, when about to die, should just meditate/contemplate/observe that the five skandhas are all empty, that the four great-elements are devoid of 'me' "

(my translation):


Essential Dharma of Mind Transmission 2v




Mundane people, when about to die, should just meditate/contemplate/observe that the five skandhas are all empty, that the four great-elements are devoid of 'me'1 .

The true mind is without characteristics, neither going nor coming. Even in birth its nature does not come; even in death its nature does not go. Peacefully clear, completely quiescent, mind and visaya2 are in one suchness.

If [a person] can be as such, proceeding directly to the sudden completion of understanding, [thus] unrestrained by the three-world/life3 , [he/she] is then a world/life-transcending person. There must not be the slightest bit of inclination towards anything.

If various Buddhas of good characteristics are seen coming to welcome [you] with manifestations appearing one after another, have no mind to follow along. If manifestations of bad characteristics appear one after another, have no mind of terror and dread. Just take it upon yourself to forget the mind, be equivalent to the dharma-realm, then there is attainment of autonomy. This point is crucial.


  1. In Buddhism, one of the three marks of dharma is that of anatta (not-self/no-self/non-self). It is taught that all phenomema are devoid of 'me'. Refer to section 1xix for Huangbo's teaching on this.

  2. Visaya is sense-object, or sense-sphere (which denotes the range of the senses and their objects), or content of experience.

  3. The three-world/life refer to the previous life, the present life and the future life.


Submitted May 29, 2020 at 09:20AM by chintokkong

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