Sunday 10 December 2017

The problem with this forum isn't nihilism; it's hyper-postmodernism.

From the source of the most acute information on the internet, Urban Dictionary defines postmodernism in these terms.

  • Postmodernism is the ultimate lubricant invented by social sciences in order to fuck every concept and structure that humans ever came up with.

  • Basically says "fuck it" to the search for any intellectual conclusions.

  • Postmodernism is a cargo cult. It seeks to duplicate the form of rational inquiry, while lacking the substance. It's children dressing up in parents' clothes, and complaining about things they don't understand, like taxes and sciatica, for no better reason than that is what they see adults doing with their time.

  • Postmodernists believe that if they make their terminology sufficiently obscurantist, sesquipedalian, and circumloquatious, nobody will notice the lack of substance. To a large extent, they are correct in that belief.

  • Postmodernism has no definition. That's what makes it so postmodern.

  • Works insidiously by establishing in the minds of the faithful that there are no ultimate truths in either a moral or a scientific sense, and dressing up bullshit in flowery language.

From Urban Dictionary's definition of Zen:

  • The spiritual meaning of Zen must be interpreted individually because it is not a simple answer to a question, and cannot be answered by any Zen master (Vetanen 2). It is difficult to comprehend Zen because those who are not enlightened have minds that make Zen’s meaning out to be much more difficult to understand than the true simplicity of the belief (Watts 52). "With our eyes on the horizon, we do not see what lies at our feet," (Watts 46) is a Zen explanation for the reason of Ch’an’s difficulty of comprehension. To become enlightened in Zen, one must merely remove the doubt that he is not enlightened. To fully understand Zen, meditation is more important than explanation, for Zen is a philosophy in which a Ch'an practitioner must learn on his own. The question of the belief of no faith can be asked in many different ways (Walter 1). The question can range from the age old, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" to others such as, "What is the nature of the mind?" (Walter 1) Zen must be comprehended, not explained (Ross 143). Those who are Zen masters say that Ch’an is to go with existence without attempting to stop or hinder its course (Watts 52). To practice Ch’an, it is necessary to understand how to meditate.


  • Zen is no-thought slowly giving rise to release from all attachment and delusion. It's a purely negative experience in which the dropping of subjective complications from the plainness of daily life results in the pure clarity and accompanying bliss of enlightenment.

Submitted December 10, 2017 at 05:10PM by pohw

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