Wednesday 13 December 2017

Hongren’s meditation guidance

Make your body and mind pure and peaceful, without any discriminative thinking at all. Sit properly with the body erect. Regu­late the breath and concentrate the mind so it is not within you, not outside of you, and not in any intermediate location. Do this care­fully and naturally. View your own consciousness tranquilly and attentively, so that you can see how it is always moving, like flowing water or a glittering mirage. After you have perceived this con­sciousness, simply continue to view it gently and naturally, without [the consciousness assuming any fixed position] inside or outside of yourself. Do this tranquilly and attentively, until its fluctuations dis­solve into peaceful stability. This flowing consciousness will disap­pear like a gust of wind.

When this [flowing] consciousness disappears, [all one’s illusions will] disappear along with it, even the [extremely subtle] illusions of bodhisattvas of the tenth stage. When this consciousness and [false cognition of the] body have disappeared, one’s mind becomes peace­fully stable, simple, and pure. I cannot describe it any further. If you want to know more about it, then follow the “Chapter on the Ada­mantine Body” (Chin-kang shen pin) of the Nirvana Sutra and the “Chapter on the Vision of Aksobhya Buddha” (Chien o-ch'u-fo pin) of the Vimalakirti Sutra. Think about this carefully, for this is the truth.


From Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind

Submitted December 13, 2017 at 06:55PM by KeyserSozen

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