Tuesday 5 December 2017

Deshan disses Bodhidharma, Buddha, and other Buddhist stuff.

Dahui Shobogenzo:

Everywhere you go, you look for people to say you are a member of the school of the Chan founder, but when you are questioned about the fundamental matter your mouths are like a wooden bolt, immediately shooting off about bodhi, nirvana, thusness and liberation, extensively quoting the verbal teachings of the triplex canon, claiming this is Chan, this is the Way, fooling the people at large. What relevance has this? You are bringing our spiritual forbears into disrepute.

My perception is not that way. Here I have no Buddha and no Dharma. Bodhidharma was a smelly old foreigner; the bodhisattvas of the tenth stage are dung haulers; the equally and subtly enlightened are immoral worldlings; bodhi and nirvana are donkey-tethering stakes; the twelve-part canonical teachings are ghost tablets, paper for wiping pus from sores; those who have attained the four fruitions, the three ranks of sages, and those from initial inspiration to the tenth stage, are ghosts haunting ancient tombs, unable to save even themselves; Buddha was an old foreigner, a piece of crap.

Submitted December 06, 2017 at 11:09AM by toanythingtaboo http://ift.tt/2BDdCbF

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