Monday 6 March 2023

Yoka Daishi's " Song of Enlightenment" stanza 3

When Reality is attained, it is seen to be without an ego-substance and devoid of all forms of objectivity,

And thereby all the karma which leads us to the lowest hell is instantly wiped out;

Those, however, who cheat beings with their false knowledge,

Will surely see their tongues pulled out for innumerable ages to come.

In this stanza , reality or mind's true nature is described as being without ego. It is also not an object or empty.

When we experience that mind, all that we have done before is wiped out by it. This happens because all occurrences of mind naturally return to it. All our fears , angers, and wanting quickly and naturally return to the enlightened mind they arise in, so we don't continue karma or create new karma.

Then, the egregious act of misleading others with false knowledge is mentioned. It's interesting that knowledge is mentioned and it suggests knowledge uniformed by actual experience of the dharma.

Next, one of the many penalties for such activity are mentioned. Enlightenment is very difficult to realize and to make it more difficult for innocent students using self-serving Buddhist dicta is surely an activity that will lead to intense psychological suffering for the perpetrators. Furthermore, the suffering will not be confined to this lifetime. :)

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 05:00AM by Ok_Understanding_188

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