Thursday 9 March 2023

Sayings of Nanquan, 2.1-5

Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2
Link to Part 3
Link to Part 4

Part 5: Support

曰。和尚恁麼道。A monk asked, "What is the esteemed monk's Way;
教學人如何扶持得。What do you teach people to take for support?"

師曰。你急手托虗空著。The Master said, "You are anxiously [attempting to] hold on to emptiness with your hand."

曰。虗空無動相。云何托。The monk said, "Emptiness is without change. How can one hold on to it?"

師云。你言無動相。The Master said, "You say [emptiness] is without change,
早是動也。[yet] it is already changing.
虗空何曾解道我無動相。When have I ever explained emptiness as being without change?
此皆是你情見。This is all your sentimental opinion."

曰。虗空無動相。The monk said, "[If] 'emptiness being without change'
尚是情見。is [just a] sentimental opinion,
前遣某甲托何物。before dispatching someone, what thing [may he] hold on to?"

師曰。你既知不應言托。The Master said, "You already know [I'll] not answer by saying [he need] hold on to [anything].
擬何處扶持他。Where do you intend to provide him with support?"

Submitted March 10, 2023 at 02:26AM by Surska0

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