Wednesday 8 March 2023

r/Zen post of the week podcast (even more updates)


Podcast discussing r/zen posts weekly:

Follow on Spotify and this stuff: Amazon Music/Audible, iHeartRadio, Libsyn Classic Feed, Network App Listing, Podcast Page, Simple Download, Twitter (ewkrzen1), Web Player... Also Google Podcasts, super easy.

...Get interviewed by ewk for this podcast by volunteering in the comments or pm/dm me.

Seriously. You can know way more than me or way less, I'll take anybody.


Welcome! ewk comment: If you can't find the post, the link is linked on the podcast page. Sometimes posts that get podcasted about do get [removed] or [deleted], but not often.

Here are the episodes this week:

  1. Feb 19, 2023 - Anti-Zen
  2. Feb 22 - Revenge of the Joshu Tree
  3. Feb 23 - Faith in Mind

Each page contains link to reddit post, link to primary Zen text, etc.

If you think a post should have been discussed and wasn't, you have only yourself to blame. You could even post something that you wanted to discuss and then volunteer to be interviewed about the post you posted!

Other suggestions welcome as well.


  1. We tried a three person episode. See if you can guess which one it is.
  2. I'm getting messages about how I should allow advertising on the podcast pages... what a dilemma.
    • You don't get to pick the ads... what if a monk sees an ad for women's hosiery?
    • What would I do with all the money?
  3. This week (to me, not to you) there was a podcast with a new person. As more new people volunteer, what will we talk about?
  4. I don't edit these things and I don't have time to listen to them... I try to resolve technical problems when you bring them up.
    • Examples: I was given the successful upload notification, you find one that was not successful
    • Unresolved: The upload for "Stainless Study" is a duplicate of "What the heck is going on?"

Submitted March 09, 2023 at 08:07AM by ewk

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