Wednesday 15 March 2023

Pure Land Buddhism is Not Zen

From the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association, here.

Adherents aspire to enlightenment in Amitabha’s Western Land of Bliss. They rely on other-power (Amitabha’s power) to gain rebirth in the Pure Land. It is easy for ordinary beings to practice.


Karma (action) of assurance – Single-minded recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name

Supporting karma – Recitation of scripture, contemplation, reverential actions and praise & offerings, all directed towards Amitabha and his Pure Land

With Zen in contrast:

No merit. See: Bodhidharma Meeting the Emperor

No doctrine. See: Huangbo's Transmission of Mind

No supernatural practices. See: Zhaozhou

Directly seeing Buddha. See: 4 Statements

Of course e-Buddhists overwhelmingly don't have a statement of faith they can link their beliefs to. They are easily spotted in /r/zen when they make claims about Zen but can't quote Zen Masters when pressed.

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 10:30PM by ThatKir

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