Sunday 12 March 2023

I Attempted a Coup AMA

Foyan put it like this:

Do not say, "I understand! I have attained mastery!" If you have attained mastery, then why are you going around asking other people questions? As soon as you say you understand Zen, people watch whatever you do and whatever you say, wondering why you said this or that. If you claim to understand Zen, moreover, this is actually a contention of ignorance. What about the saying that one should "silently shine, hiding one's enlightenment"? What about "concealing one's name and covering one's tracks"? What about "the path is not different from the human mind"? Each of you should individually reduce entanglements and not talk about judgments of right and wrong. All of your activities everywhere transcend Buddhas and Masters, the water buffalo at the foot of the mountain is imbued with Buddhism; but as soon as you try to search, it's not there. Why do you not discern this?

Here's my question for the forum:

Why do you think this post was removed tonight, but this one wasn't, and do you think the filtering of speech in this manner is

  1. Honest
  2. Beneficial to the subreddit
  3. Facilitating Zen study



Submitted March 13, 2023 at 11:25AM by patchrobe

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