Friday 10 March 2023

Correction and Perception Enhancer Post. History of the History. Before Zen, and Buddhism, in particular, have perception about the history with correct the lenses.

Reminder: This will be going to be very long.

NOTE##Whatever I will be writing, if they are facts, I will give reference next to it. Do not cry for the facts.

Though I can give the original sources which were written in Pali, Sanskrit, Old Mandarin. But a handful of people, perhaps nobody will understand. Hence, the English source [Which are limited in their understanding but are fair and good.]

In order to understand Buddhism and Zen Buddhism, you need to know the origins very precisely. What people do is, they read the secondary sources or tertiary sources and fight.The zen is a Japanese manifestation of Buddhism, indeed Chinese Buddhism. Which travelled from China to Korea, where it becomes Seon Buddhism and then to Japan. What is my source? Here is the book, read, [Introduction to Buddhism]

I have read the theological patterns among different religion and different dharmic traditions.

When I see the debates here, I see the cultural difference in the mind and nature of people and this is not in derogatory sense but a general trait. A trait which is culturally influenced. The nature of superimposing the idea or perception over the other as THE ONLY WAY and mine is right --kind of thing.

This is a very Semitic cultural influence. The crusades war is an example of that, for whatever the reason was, it was for supremacy. So, when a European author writes about the Dharma systems [Buddhism comes under Dharma system] , they will enviably make the mistakes. Thinking the other philosophical fights as the religious fights.

This happened with Buddhism vs Confucianism, Buddhism vs Taoism, Jainism vs Buddhism, Hinduism vs Buddhism...etc.

Because traditionally an easterner or people from dharma fold or from traditional Chinese fold or alike, will not be bashing and abusing, they will counter and counter firmly, but bashing is something No [Buddhist or Hindu, Jain ]or Taoism...etc will do merely because they don't agree.

Why do you bash at all? Because your mind thinks other's opinion as threat. Why it is that? Cause, you are stick with your thought and you can not listen to others because that information is your base, no realisation.

I am pretty sure they do not superimpose the belief, they do oppose the idea, but not in war way.

And No wonder, those authors who were raised in Semitic cultures, when they wrote books [including which I shared -link] on Dharmic culture which include Buddhism, that core smell of their religious thoughts were present. The choice of words, for instance, the tone and using the words like religion for Buddhism was itself comes from the Semitic culture, Buddha never use the word Religion he does use the word DHARMA and DHARMA is not Religion. read the link.

In dharma culture, there is no a particular way of Liberation nor a particular master is right or supreme over above. Just to tell you all, during the time of Buddha, had a contemporary enlightened master known as Mahavira who was Jain.

Is this a bigoted and racial thing that I am using the word European or Semitic, or is there any backing with proof?

NO BY NO MEAN I AM BLAMING but historical amnesia is a problem, but Yes, I do have to say, from where European got to know about the Buddha? Buddha never visited Europe, for sure. It is said and documented that the oldest Buddhist text which got translated into English was in 1693, The life of THEVETATLocation?It happened in India, India was colonized by various countries and later Brits. Mostly were among the Dutch, Turkic, French, Brits, Portuguese people who translated the Buddhist Pali or Sanskrit Text to English or other European languages. And they were not there to learn the Buddhism or meditation for sure, but they were colonizer, and they interpreted the texts in their ways [includes their biases]. Since they were following their religion, they termed every path as religion, where in fact, if you read the theology, which I have, religions by definition are Judaism, Islam, Christianity.

Because they specifically believe, their way is the only way and rest others are just fake or on the wrong paths.

Later things goes on, Other people cite the previous one and that information or misinformation spread across. Much later, people learn the language and deep culture, and they start writing the books which indeed were less.

Why does it matter to read all these, bigoted idea or some will name it propaganda thought it is not, as someone will for sure think, right?Do you know each word and their spiritual meaning and significance whatever you read? Most of the words in traditional Buddhist text are from Pali and Ancient Sanskrit, do you know their meaning, significance?

For instance Sutras,

Now, take the very simple primordial word sutra which is a Sanskrit word or originally Suttas in pali language, what you mean by sutra, and what is the context here ?

Literally it means thread but why Buddhist texts are known as suttas in pali or Sutra in sanskrit? Does anyone find out?Try a guess and then read the below.Most of us will not, because, we rely upon other sources and they are [no words]. The word sutra literally means “thread.” A garland has a thread, but you never wear the garland for its thread. What kind of flowers, beads, pearls, or diamonds you add to it depends on the skill of the person who is putting it together. Buddha and other realized masters only providing the sutra, because without the thread, there is no garland. But you never wear a garland for the sake of its thread. So do not look at the thread and come to conclusions. The sutras are not meant to be read and logically understood. If you approach it logically, trying to understand things intellectually, it will become nonsensical and never ending stuff.Buddha was not giving only lectures, he was training and initiating people into meditative processes. Hence, his sutras came only those understand which themselves know how to sew a garland. And this is not the only example, most Pali and Sanskrit text comes with the suffix sutra. For example Patanjali Yoga Sutra.

Other one is, We all talked about enlightenment, what is enlightenment? Does anybody know? It is essentially a Dharmic concept, those who are not from Dharmic religions and just read Buddhism will not get it because in Semitic Religions there is no concept of this nor any parallels. Enlightenment has deep connection with the laws of Karma and Law of Karma is associated with rebirth, which is not the case with Abrahamic religions. Enlightenment also means, end to the cycle of life and death. [Nirvana] is the real term, which in Hinduism call Mukti i.e liberation. Source)

Next one is, we all use the world Soul and all but Buddha never used the word soul because The proper word is atman [Source)]. [Video] ...etc and there are so many things.

Without knowing these nitty-gritty, even if you read, you are reading nothing.


  1. Don't fight simply because you think that others are non-real and fake. Because even you do not know.

Buddha was called fake, and was given poison, and it was not given out of love for him. (If you call yourself a zen follower or Buddhist follower).

2) Understand the context while reading the sutras or suttas. Read the deep meaning and connections.

3) Take into consideration that the distortions did happen with translation and transliteration.

4) Consider the Biases of the European Author. An author may learn the language, but not necessary the culture of the land. And Religion(Dharma) is a culture.

5) Don't think your interpretation is the only way. Authors write, and they get publicity, disciples do practice in solitude and they get enlightenment.

Zen, is essentially that, it is not a text rich stuff but gives an almost importance to the disciple-master relationship, which is not new to the Dharmic traditions like Buddhism, Jainism, Hindusim, in Dharma it is known as Guru-Shishya Parampara . <--Link

So those who are fighting Dogen is fake, even if he was fake, his fakness will not liberate you.

6) Try to learn things in their original texts, if not possible use YT to search for the proper translations. Read the history of Buddha and it's land.

7) Be genuine and honest.



Submitted March 11, 2023 at 01:18AM by TheSimpleHumans

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