Wednesday 15 March 2023

Baiyun Duan 26: Not Mind, Not Buddha, Not a Thing

Master Baizhang Weizheng asked Nanquan, "Amongst those sages who are real, true friends, are there those who would still go without explaining to people the heart of the Dharma?"

"There are."

"What do you do when people ask?"

"I say, 'It is not mind, it is not Buddha, it is not a thing.' "

"According to what standard do you explain to people who seek a more definitive understanding?"

"Is there someone specific asking?"

"What about you, Master?"

"You ask, yet, I am not a real, true friend—how would I know who has, and who has not, explained the heart of the Dharma?"

Weizheng said, "For anyone who has not understood, please Master, I ask that you say something."

"I have already spoken too much with you."

[0297b03] 百丈惟政禪師問南泉。諸方善知識。還有不說似人底法也無。曰有。師曰。作麼生。曰不是心不是佛不是物。曰恁麼則說似人了也。曰某甲即恁麼。和尚作麼生。師曰。我又不是善知識。爭知有說不說底法。曰某甲不會。請和尚說。師曰。我太煞與汝說了也。

Blowing in the tail wind of Old Man Nirvana,
Striving to get an li, li la—
Cut off from the mountain pass, how many have heard it wrong?
For now, it is known as "the poetry of the partridge."

[0297b09] 涅槃老子順風吹。囉哩哩囉爭得知。隔嶺幾多人錯聽。一時喚作鷓鴣詞。

Submitted March 16, 2023 at 05:02AM by surupamaerl2

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