Sunday 12 March 2023

An Attempt at Interpretation

So there are definitely cases in the records I suck at interpreting. Usually ones that either have a lot of cultural references I don't know or double entendres that go over my head. In this post I'm going to try to interpret a case I would call medium difficulty. I invite people to correct me or give their own interpretation.

Dahui Shobogenzo 494.

Master ‘Long Mustache’ called on Shitou. Shitou asked, “Where are you coming from?” He said, “From South of the Range.” Shitou said, “Has the set of virtues of the Dayu Range been completed yet?” He said, “It’s been complete for a long time. All that’s lacking is the pupils of the eyes.” Shitou said, “Do you want the pupils put in?” He said, “Please.” Shitou let one leg hang down. ‘Mustache’ thereupon bowed. Shitou said, “What have you seen, that you bow?” he said, “It’s like a snowflake on a red-hot furnace.”

When Shitou asks if the virtues have been completed yet I take that to mean he is asking Long Mustache (hilarious) if he has realized Buddhahood yet.

Long Mustache answers “It’s been complete for a long time. All that’s lacking is the pupils of the eyes". There are two distinct pieces to this answer.

First I think it's helpful to clear up what is meant by "lacking the pupils of the eyes". In China there is an idiom "paint the dragon, dot the eyes" which comes from a story where when someone draws a dragons body they dot the pupils last, as the pupils are the "spirit" of the dragon and when they are put in the picture will come to life.

So Long Mustache is is referencing inherent enlightenment when he says "it's been complete a long time" but also admitting his lack of realization when he says the pupils aren't dotted. Shitou offers to dot them and his way of doing this is to manifest his own enlightenment by hanging one leg down.

Long Mustache appears to have been enlightened by this although the text doesn't specify it like they usually do.

When Shitou asks what Long Mustache has seen his answer is "It’s like a snowflake on a red-hot furnace". When a snowflake hits a hot furnace it immediately melts. I take this to mean that not only has Long Mustache "emptied all that was" but now that he is enlightened nothing sticks to him. Any idea or concept of enlightenment or attainment or dharma is a snowflake hitting the furnace of his realization. No new nest if formed.

Submitted March 12, 2023 at 10:12PM by koancomentator

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