Seventeenth case: Hsiang Lin's Meaning of the Coming from the West
What do Zen Masters know? Do they know things? Let's find out!
I am pumped right now. Let's get some Zen up in this forum.
A monk asked Hsiang Lin, "What is the meaning of the Patriarch's coming from the West?"
Hsiang Lin said, "Sitting for a long time becomes toilsome."
-So this is where this question comes from. I answered it in one of my AMAs and I feel the spirit of the answer is similar. That makes me feel good, like I'm all Zen and shit. I'm being honest here so one of you can take me down a peg. "If you run away from arrows and avoid swords, how could you possibly be a competent adept?" Maybe running into them isn't that smart either.
-If sitting is so annoying, why do we keep talking about big B's 9 years facing the wall? "The Teaching is carried on according to facts; the banner of the Teaching is set up according to the situation." So maybe the banner, in this case the 9 years, are more of an instructional tool. The Teaching remains untouched.
-And again, Yuanwu is just fucking with me at this point. His commentary anticipated I would understand wrongly (see the first astrocomment). I was even a little bit proud of it! But I do not fall easily for Yuanwu's trap. I know that move. Show me where I'm wrong or you will not push me aside.
Submitted April 22, 2021 at 01:39PM by astroemi
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