Thursday, 22 April 2021

Huineng/Enō presents the ignition key 🔑

A certain monk brought up a verse of Garin's:4


Garin has the ability and means5

To cut off all thoughts6;

His mind being unmoved by externals,

Bodhi increases as time passes.


Hearing this, the Patriarch said, "This verse shows that the foundation of his mind is not yet known to him. To live according to this will only increase his bondage7."

The Patriarch then uttered the fol­lowing verse:


Enō has no ability or means

To cut off his mind from thoughts,

His mind is moved by externals;

And how can Bodhi increase?


4: Garin is the name of a place, is all we are told.

5: By concentration of mind.

6: Of good and evil, profit and loss.

7: In this case bondage to no-things, to no-thoughts.

Mumonkan|Blyth|Enō‘s Flag|Page 209|

Tell me have you ever neither started and stopped?

All I want you to do, is to speak up. How do you express the logic of neither starting and stopping in your own words?

Now start up your engines, fellow friends!

Submitted April 22, 2021 at 03:54PM by TheDarkchip

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