Friday 5 June 2020

The Underlying Truth and Hidden Dangers of the Zen Forum

One should always look at things presented in the Zen forum with a critical and discerning eye, and if you do this for long enough and watch certain members in there over time, you may realize that all is not in the Zen forum as it seems. What may seem on the surface as a forum simply meant for the discussion and debate of Zen can be revealed as something far more sinister upon closer inspection.

First, as the saying goes, "it starts at the top". Take a critical look at the the power base of the forum. Who exactly is the main moderator, and why is he in control of the forum? What credentials does he have, and why are there no checks and balances against his power in the form of other moderators that don't simply fall in line with his way? Why does he allow his protected group to violate any standards or rules that they wish, but will take decisive action against anyone outside of that group that violates those same standards or rules?

Nothing is ever answered in that direction if brought up, and it appears to simply be a case of standard nepotism and year-to-year cronyism. Don't be mislead; the supposed 'hands off' approach serves their side quite effectively. Also, what are the motives for allowing a forum to be practically unmoderated beyond taking action against the worst offenses of anyone outside of the power base? Running a forum in this way generally allows for a highly toxic and anti-intellectual atmosphere, where the most famous resident troll gets to have his way and conduct himself any way he sees fit with impunity from the top. This is all in direct and lasting service to the power base. Take special note that there are no theologians, scholars or major translators operating in the forum that would have a serious and influential say on matters of Zen. If they showed up, they would immediately be run off because of how the forum is run with no protection from baseless slander and targeted propaganda.

The resident troll calls all of the shots with impunity, and will use propaganda, harassment and slander without the moderators ever so much as saying a single word against him or what he does. What is important to note about this behavior is that it almost immediately drives off anyone who intuitively knows that the forum has very little if anything to do with Zen, so the power base retains its position almost completely unchallenged. New crops of people come in, and most will leave unless assimilated over time by the power base, or banned on baseless charges by the moderator if the resident troll isn't effective against against them.

Why is all of this important, and how can it possibly affect you? One must realize that the toxic nature of the forum eventually becomes normalized over time, and that sort of toxic negativity has direct influence on the forum members if they remain there day in and day out. Your mind will be influenced by interacting with this behavior, as people tend to become like the company they keep, and their way appeals to the worst base instincts of the ego. Bear in mind that many of the most prominent members of the power base faction are also obviously dealing with moderate to severe mental issues, a few of which have been publicly admitted by them over time. These people are being preyed upon and entirely mislead into believing something that isn't even close to Zen.

It is as plain as day to see that the power base of the forum doesn't have any interest in practicing Zen, but are merely studying it just enough to fortify their own disturbing tendencies and blatantly egocentric foundations. It is truly and obviously as 'anti-Zen' as it gets, because it deals nothing with introspection and has everything to do with building up and arguing from conceptual positions. If one is studied and practiced in Zen, they could see that the Zen masters themselves taught the exact opposite of nearly all that goes on in the forum.

The power base may pretend as if they have knowledge of what Zen is, and it can be convincing, but it is obvious to the trained and studied eye that what they are doing is diametrically opposed to the core principles and teachings of the Zen masters. Be diligent.

Submitted June 06, 2020 at 06:53AM by WanderingRonin72

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