Thursday 21 May 2020

Zen Masters absolutely reject Buddhist religions, sutras aka, Case 6 from Wumenguan

Case 6 The Buddha Holds Out a Flower 六 世尊拈花


When Shakyamuni Buddha was at Mount Grdhrakuta, he held out a flower to his listeners.


Everyone was silent.


Only Mahakashyapa broke into a broad smile.


The Buddha said, "I have the True Dharma Eye, the Marvelous Mind of Nirvana, the True Form of the Formless, and the Subtle Dharma Gate, independent of words and transmitted beyond doctrine. This I have entrusted to Mahakashyapa."

Mumon's Comment


Golden-faced Gautama really disregarded his listeners.


He made the good look bad and sold dog's meat labeled as mutton.


He himself thought it was wonderful.


If, however, everyone in the audience had laughed, how could he have transmitted his True Eye?


And again, if Mahakashyapa had not smiled, how could the Buddha have transmitted it?


If you say the True Dharma Eye can be transmitted, then the golden-faced old man would be a city slicker who cheats the country bumpkin.


If you say it cannot be transmitted, then why did the Buddha approve of Mahakashyapa?

Mumon's Verse 頌曰

拈起花來 Holding out a flower,

尾巴已露 The Buddha betrayed his curly tail.

迦葉破顔 Heaven and earth were bewildered,

人天罔措 At Mahakashyapa's smile.



(Welcome link) (ewkwho?) note: There are religious trolls who want to make church more important than Zen Masters... they come into this forum and can't define words, can't name names, can't AMA... they will tell people that "Zen is Buddhists b/c u can't read Chinese".

Well guess what?

Buddha held up a flower.

No reading necessary.


Submitted May 22, 2020 at 02:39AM by ewk

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