Sunday 31 May 2020

The Silent Illumination of Hóngzhì Zhēngjué

Hóngzhì Zhēngjué

Good stuff. Enjoy!

默照銘 Mozhao ming
Inscription on Silent Illumination
Translation by Guogu Zhengxue


In silence and serenity, words are forgotten; in clarity and luminosity, all things manifest.


At the time of reflection, all things become vast; at the place of actualization, all things become lively and animated.


Lively and animated, luminosity is solidary; in this luminosity, wondrousness returns.


The dewy moon on the Milky Way; the snow-clad pine on the cloudy peak;


In darkness it is even brighter; when hidden it is all the more visible.


The crane dreams of misty frost; water embraces the distant autumn [sky].


The great kalpa is completely empty. [Yet,] all appearances are exactly the same.


This subtlety exists in silence; striving is forgotten in illumination.


Where does this wonder exist? In wakeful clarity, confusions are [naturally] dispelled.


The path of silent illumination is the very root of the li trigram and its subtleties.


Thoroughly perceiving the li and its subtleties is like weaving gold with shuttles on a jade loom.


The absolute and the relative interfuse one another; light and darkness causally interact.


Without relying on subject and object, such is the time interaction occurs.


Imbibe the medicine of good views; beat the poison-smeared drum.


At the time of interaction, killing and giving life are up to oneself.


Through the gate one comes forth; the fruit will have finally ripened on the bough.


Only this silence is the supreme speech, and this illumination, the universal response.


Such response does not fall into contrivance; and speech is not heard by listening.


All the myriad things in the universe emit radiance and expound the Dharma.


They attest to each other, and correspond in dialogue.


Corresponding in dialogue and testifying, they respond to each other perfectly.


If in illumination silence is lost, then distinctions will be perceived.


Attesting and corresponding in dialogue, perfectly they respond to each other.


If in silence, illumination is lost, then this murkiness will lead to wasted teachings.


When the principle of silent illumination is perfected, the lotus will blossom and the dreamer will awaken.


The hundred rivers flow to the ocean; and the thousand peaks face the great mountain.


Like geese preferring milk; like bees gathering pollen;


When silent illumination is perfected and obtained, you will embody the tradition of my lineage.


This tradition of silent illumination penetrates to the highest peak and the deepest deep.


The body becomes śunyatā and arms form the mudra;


Beginning and end are one; the changing forms have myriad distinctions.


Ambassador Ho offers a jade [to the emperor]; Minister Xiangru revealed its flaws.


When conditions are utilized with precision, great function is indeed without effort.


The Son of Heaven resides in the kingdom, and the general are sent beyond the frontiers.


The fundamental affair of our house accords to what it is meant to be.


And when this teaching disseminates to various places, there is no need for condemnation or praise.


Here’s another translation by Taigen Dan Leighton

Silent and serene, forgetting words, bright clarity appears before you.

When you reflect it you become vast, where you embody it you are spiritually uplifted.

Spiritually solitary and shining, inner illumination restores wonder,

Dew in the moonlight, a river of stars, snow-covered pines, clouds enveloping the peak.

In darkness it is most bright, while hidden all the more manifest.

The crane dreams in the wintery mists. The autumn waters flow far in the distance.

Endless kalpas are totally empty, all things completely the same.

When wonder exists in serenity, all achievement is forgotten in illumination.

What is this wonder? Alertly seeing through confusion

Is the way of silent illumination and the origin of subtle radiance.

Vision penetrating into subtle radiance is weaving gold on a jade loom.

Upright and inclined yield to each other; light and dark are interdependent.

Not depending on sense faculty and object, at the right time they interact.

Drink the medicine of good views. Beat the poison-smeared drum.

When they interact, killing and giving life are up to you.

Through the gate the self emerges and the branches bear fruit.

Only silence is the supreme speech, only illumination the universal response.

Responding without falling into achievement, speaking without involving listeners,

The ten thousand forms majestically glisten and expound the dharma.

All objects certify it, every one in dialogue.

Dialoguing and certifying, they respond appropriately to each other;

But if illumination neglects serenity then aggressiveness appears.

Certifying and dialoguing, they respond to each other appropriately;

But if serenity neglects illumination, murkiness leads to wasted dharma.

When silent illumination is fulfilled, the lotus blossoms, the dreamer awakens,

A hundred streams flow into the ocean, a thousand ranges face the highest peak.

Like geese preferring milk, like bees gathering nectar,

When silent illumination reaches the ultimate, I offer my teaching.

The teaching of silent illumination penetrates from the highest down to the foundation.

The body being shunyata, the arms in mudra;

From beginning to end the changing appearances and ten thousand differences share one pattern.

Mr. Ho offered jade [to the Emperor; Minister] Xiangru pointed to its flaws.

Facing changes has its principles, the great function is without striving.

The ruler stays in the kingdom, the general goes beyond the frontiers.

Our school's affair hits the mark straight and true.

Transmit it to all directions without desiring to gain credit.


I’ve really been enjoying Hongzhi these days.

There’s several more translations of Silent Illumination on Terebess if you're down.

Submitted June 01, 2020 at 09:54AM by madewithsticks

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