Wednesday 20 May 2020

The Gui-Yang Pearl

Master Yangshan went to Dongsi.

Dongsi asked, "Where are you from?" Yangshan said, "I’m from Guangnan."

Dongsi said, "I’ve heard that there is a bright pearl that stills the sea in Guangnan. Is this true?" Yangshan said, "Yes."

Dongsi said, "What is this pearl like?" Yangshan said, "It is hidden when the moon is dark, and appears when the moon is bright."

Dongsi said, "And did you bring it?" Yangshan said, "I brought it." Dongsi said, "Why don’t you show me?"

Yangshan joined his hands, stepped forward, and said, "Yesterday I went to Guishan and was also asked for this pearl; I simply had nothing to say in reply, no principle to set forth."

Dongsi said, "You are truly a successor to Guishan, well able to roar. You’re like a bug making a nest on a mosquito’s eyelash, standing at a crossroads yelling that the land is vast, with hardly any people, and those met with are few."

This Yangshan guy would go on to stir up mountains of trouble with this bright pearl of Guishan. No doubt there about that.

Even when the crossroads are sparse with travelers, still, his roar shatters all who hear the Dharma proclaimed.

Who can show the pearl and roar the lion's roar? Loudly!

Submitted May 21, 2020 at 04:27AM by ThatKir

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