Monday 25 May 2020

Soto vs. Rinzai differences and mixing them?

Hi there!

I'm relatively new to Zen while at the same time I'm not. I've been practising various forms of Japanese martial arts since I was six years old (I'm in my 30s now). Ever since then I've meditated before and after training. My karate teacher leads a weekly one hour meditation session with Zazen and Kinhin. As it's all in Japanese martial art tradition, all my meditation has always been Rinzai style. And that's also where my Zen knowledge ends. Personally, just from looking at documentaries, I seem to like Soto style more, also I'm not a big fan of Koans and the general idea of sudden enlightment.

But what's the actual difference between them? Can/Should I sort of "mix" styles? Rinzai style meditation positions (including martial arts), Soto everything else? I've tried finding more info on the actual, deeper differences that are more than style - apart from the claim that Rinzai is more elitist and Soto is more down-to-earth, and Rinzai looking for sudden enlightment, Soto mor of a gradual way, I haven't found much.

It would be great if you could give me more insights!

Submitted May 25, 2020 at 09:16PM by skinnyfat3000

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