Saturday 23 May 2020

Sayings of Huizhong, Third Excerpt: How to Become a Buddha

The Chan Teachings of Nanyang Huizhong in Tangut Translation

Translated by Kirill Solonin

Someone asked: "How to become a Buddha?"

The Master said: "[If] for one moment you will not think about the sentient beings and the Buddha, at this very spot you attain the liberation. That is how [you] attain liberation."

Another question: "How to get harmony?"

The Master said: "Do not think of all good and evil, and see Buddha nature for yourself. That is harmony."

Four statements of Zen, Huizhong edition:

  1. Neither thinking of sentient beings nor Buddha,

  2. Not thinking of good or evil,

  3. Directly seeing Buddha nature:

  4. At this very spot: liberation.

What do they say about attainment of liberation and becoming a Buddha by your office water cooler?

Submitted May 24, 2020 at 07:34AM by ThatKir

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