Wednesday 20 May 2020

Onto Foyan

Why don't you understand the essence that has always been there? There is not much to Buddhism; it only requires you to see the way clearly. It does not tell you to extinguish random thoughts and suppress body and mind, shutting your eyes and saying “This is It!” The matter is not like this.

So, here we learn about the nitty gritty of the cutting off the way of conceptual thought. Seems like it's not so straightforward... no wonder, it sounds much simpler than it is. Because for starters, what is conceptual thought? Is it only the conscious process, or are there subtler ones in the background as well?

You must observe the present state. What is its logic? What is its guiding pattern? Why are you confused? This is the most direct approach. How about when I have not spoken to you, and you have not heard me; is there any point in coming and going? At such a time, do not make up forced rationalizations.

What is meant by coming and going? Not speaking, not hearing? What is the meaning of the phrase?

Why is observing the present state's logic and guiding pattern the direct approach? My guess is, it is the untangling of the knots we bound ourselves in, in a way which isn't fighting the knots with imaginary freedom of knots.

From the Buddhas above to the totality of beings below, all is thus. In this sense, sages and ordinary people are equal, wrong and right are equal, samsara and nirvana are equal. Now I ask you, whose business are the ancient Buddhas, and the generations of past, present and future? Whose business are the contaminated lands of the ten directions'?

I say, if you understand all this thirty years from now, you will realize that I did tell you. Just don’t say, “This is It!” If you do, that is called the view of an outsider.


EDIT: bonus quote

An ancient said, “Everywhere is you. Go east, and it’s you; go west, and it’s you. Who are you?” If you say, “ Me,” this is emotional and intellectual consciousness, which you must pass through before you attain realization.

How does one pass through emotional and intellectual consciousness?

Submitted May 20, 2020 at 03:37PM by WreCK_ed

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