Tuesday 19 May 2020

Meta: r/zen and "authority"

Recently, in the course of a discussion, a frequent contributer to this sub suggested I should "submit to his authority." I was curious what the consensus is around authority on the sub.

I was under the impression this is a secular discussion group related to matters "Zen." In fact, the person who told me to "submit" has described it in that fashion. I haven't seen any indication there are senior and junior members. Indeed, since almost everyone is anonymous how could seniority be established?

I'm thinking this is an anomaly specific to the individual. Is that correct or are their people on this sub who are senior and can say "the experts are wrong and you should respect my interpretation just on my authority alone."

It is so contrary to the spirit of Zen teachings it doesn't seem likely to be a popular attitude around here.

(If interested, the comment is here)

Submitted May 20, 2020 at 07:37AM by shaku_kojyu https://ift.tt/2AKTGZn

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