Friday 22 May 2020

[LinJi] What's In The Fist?

(Record of LinJi; T. Cleary translation)



Good people, if you can comprehend like this, you will avoid being obstructed by ordinary and holy names.

[Otherwise] you interpret the empty fist as if it really held something and vainly concoct strange things among the elements of sensory experience.

You slight yourselves when you bow out saying that you are only ordinary people, while those [who succeeded on the Path] were sages.

You shaven-headed ones with many births to go, what is the big hurry?

You have put on a lion’s skin, yet you howl like little foxes.

You are really great people, but you do not breathe with the energy of the really great.

You refuse to believe in what’s in your own house, and instead go seeking outside like this. You fall into traps with the empty and free names and formulations used by the ancients and try to make patterns of categories by depending on them, but you are unable to comprehend them on your own.

When you encounter objects you become entangled; when you meet with sensory experiences you grasp them.

Delusion arises everywhere you touch; you have no sure stability of your own.



If you put Buddha on a pedestal, the Buddha becomes your tombstone.

Submitted May 22, 2020 at 10:05PM by GuruHunter

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