Saturday 30 May 2020

Linji has a present

The master, taking the high seat in the hall, said, “On your lump of red flesh is a true man without rank who is always going in and out of the face of every one of you. Those who have not yet confirmed this, look, look!”

Th en a monk came forward and asked, “What about the true man without rank?” The master got down from his seat, seized the monk, and cried, “Speak, speak!” The monk faltered. Shoving him away, the master said, “The true man without rank—what kind of dried piece of shit is he!” Then he returned to his quarters.

PSYCH !!!! WYSIWYG. Opening up a present only to find out that there is just a identical present inside of it.

Is a dried piece of shit holy or profane? dafuq does holy or profane even mean. Might have something to do with evolution and cleanliness being more fit for survival.

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 09:25PM by Kyuu-bi

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