Wednesday 20 May 2020

Just keep picking and choosing

As Yaoshan was roaming in the mountains with Daowu and Yunyan, they saw two trees, one dead and one flourishing. 

Yaoshan asked Yunyan, “Is the withered one right, or is the flourishing one right?” 

He said, “The flourishing one.”  Yaoshan said, “Then clearly light will blaze everywhere.” 

He also asked Daowu; Daowu said, “The withered one is right.”  Yaoshan said, “Then clearly everywhere will be austere.” 

In a little while novice Gao came; Yaoshan also asked him.  Gao said “Let the withered one be withered, let the flourishing one flourish.”  Yaoshan turned and looked at Yunyan and Daowu and said, “Not right, not right.”

These guys basically operate like cliquey middleschoolers...

Submitted May 20, 2020 at 08:15PM by in_dee_nile

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