Friday 29 May 2020

Four guidances.

First, learn how to be entirely unreceptive to sensations arising from external forms, thereby purging your bodies of receptivity to externals.

Second. Learn not to pay attention to any distinction between this and that arising from your sensations, thereby purging your bodies from useless discernment between one phenomenon and another.

Third. Take care to avoid discrimination in terms of pleasant and unpleasant sensation, thereby purging your bodies of vain discrimination.

Fourth. Avoid pondering things in your mind, thereby purging your bodies of discriminatory cognition.

Huang po.

On the transmission of mind..

My notes on this passage.. It seems to me, that huang po is suggesting for us, to maintain quietude in the mind, grasp nothing, remain recptive to the first nen of intuitive awareness, and bring nothing extra to our exp

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 02:06AM by transmission_of_mind

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