Monday 25 May 2020

Case 36 Chosa went for a walk.

Main subject. One day, Chosa went for a walk. After returning, the head monk said, "where have you been?" Chosu. " I have come from walking in the hills" Monk. "where have you been?" Chosu. "first I went following the fragrent grasses, and now I am in pursuit of the falling blossoms" Monk. " you are full of the spring" Chosa. " better than the autumn dews falling on the lotus leaves."

(setcho says, " thank you for your answer")

Better than the autumn dews falling on the lotus leaves.

The dews of autumn represent absolute samahdi. The flower represents positive samahdi. The former is the foundation of zen and must come first in zazen practice, but positive samahdi is samahdi in real life and Is much more highly valued. Hakuin zenji says, "samahdi in real life is a hundred thousand times better, than samahdi in quietude."

Setcho says. " thank you for answer"

The head monks response isn't recorded, but Setcho wants the reader to value Chosa's words correctly.

Case 36. Hekiganroku.

Submitted May 26, 2020 at 03:07AM by transmission_of_mind

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