Sunday 24 May 2020

Buddhas & Patriarchs? Imposed Terms.

From Case 362 of Dahui's Treasury of the Eye of the True Teaching

Master Kaixian Zhi said to a group:

"Aim and construction are provisional expressions; Buddhas and Patriarchs are imposed terms. Receiving instruction and communicating mind are both vanities; seeking reality and searching for truth get even further off. If you take your self and your own mind to be ultimate, there is necessarily something else in contrast."

At that time a monk asked, "What would be right?"

He said, "'Right' means there is 'wrong.'"

[The monk said,] "How does one gain entry?"

[He said,] "When were you ever outside?"

Enlightenment based on causes, conditions, and cultivation is just another fetter that you tie yourself up with. Seeking for reality and truth is just pulling that rope tighter around yourself.

What about one who leisurely abodes in the way? A loving cup! A loving cup!

Submitted May 25, 2020 at 04:41AM by ThatKir

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