Sunday, 19 January 2020

Gateless Gate, It begins

I have yet to pass through any gate, so I’m going to make a fool of myself here. I will test my lack of wisdom against this gate, and see what you guys think.

“Our teaching makes our mind the principle and the gateless gate its very gate. Since it is the gateless gate, how can one pass through it?”

C: One doesn’t pass through any gate, so it is the gateless gate.

‘Are you not aware of the insight that purports,"Those who have entered the gate are no family treasures. What is gained as a result of cause and effect has beginning and end, and thus will become nothing."’

C: why cling to this bag of bones? One day it will be food for the worms. The body isn’t what passes through the gate, so it is the gateless gate.

“Such remarks are like raising up waves in the windless ocean, or gouging a wound into healthy skin.”

C: Oops, I think I might be making a mistake doing this lol. Such remarks are creating complications.

“Those who cling onto words are fools who believe that they can catch the moon with a stick or can scratch their itchy foot through a leather shoe. How can they "see" reality as it actually is?”

C: What learning have you acquired over a lifetime? If you think zen is something to learn, you surely think you can catch the moon with a stick.

“In the Summer of the first year of Shjoting (1228) Ekai (Mumon) was lecturing on koan of the ancient masters to the monks at the monastery of Luinghsiang temple in East China. He intended to use the koan as bricks for battering the gate in order to inspire the pursuer of Zen according to his ability.”

C: Mumon can only inspire the persuer of zen, he can’t open the gate for you!

“His notes were unwittingly collected. There is no order as to the beginning or the end. In total there are 48 cases, now called "The Gateless Gate.”’

C: I think Mumon knew we would cling to his words, but did he also believe there are some who would cast them aside and see for ourselves? Which am I? Which are you?

“If anyone, like eight-armed Nata who bravely goes straight forward, ventures into Zen practice, no delusion will disturb him.”

C: Surely an eight-armed Nata is a man of strength and resolve. He could probably bench 800 or more.

“The Indian and Chinese patriarchs will beg for their lives in his commanding presence. If, however, he hesitates even a moment, he is just a person that watches from a narrow window for a speedy horseman to pass by and misses everything in a wink.”

C: Even the Patriarchs can’t handle one such as this. But if you still have doubts, you will hesitate and miss it. Break up those doubts, and you won’t hesitate anymore.

“The Great Way has no gate,

A thousand roads enter it.

When one passes through the gate,

He freely walks between heaven and earth.”

C: Thousands of roads enter the Great Way. Who is it that walks free?

Thank you for putting up with a dullard like myself. Maybe one day I will keep my mouth shut, instead of confusing people.

Submitted January 20, 2020 at 02:20AM by ArgesAwoken

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