Sunday, 2 June 2019

what is the test for enlightenment?

in the cases, many become enlightened through various means. how is it that the author knows these people are enlightened if you can't actually ask them directly? are these cases fabrications to illustrate points, or historical events?

in any case, if an enlightened person can somehow detect someone else's enlightenment status, then there's an objective litmus test, they're either noticing something behavioural, verifying with words, or using some supernatural ability.

so what could it be?

seems like the only checks prevalent are people just fucking with each other non verbally. sandals on head, pulling by the nose etc.

in a way, it seems like zen masters just develop a sense of humour and then detect it in others who recognise this sense of humour.

Submitted June 02, 2019 at 06:18PM by otherbody

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