Sunday, 19 May 2019

Meta post about meta posts - why discuss the state of the weather?

Nah, just kidding. Here's Foyan:

Instant Zen | Asleep

Right now if you are questioned and cannot speak, where is the fault? It is generally because of seeing forms where there is no form, hearing a voice where there is nothing said, forcing rationalizations where there is no reason, asserting con­trol where there is no control.

If you cannot get rid of this, that is referred to as “diseased eyes still there, flowers in the sky fall in confusion.” Why? Just because mind is still there; so you cannot speak.

There is not much to Buddhism; it only requires you to make a statement plainly and simply, that is all. But what is a plain and simple statement? If someone asked me, I’d say, “It’s already become two statements.” Understand?

An ancient said, “The Buddhas and Zen masters have given a clear and detailed explanation of what is beyond words, but most of those who get here are confused, muddled, and uncom­prehending.”

If you don’t see this, you are asleep on your feet. You are always in the light, and yet do not know it, even with your eyes open. How do you expect me to do anything for you?

Submitted May 19, 2019 at 09:38PM by UhExistence

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